To both meet HIPAA regulations and comply with improved best practice standards, all email communication you receive from us containing PHI will take advantage of ZixCorp encryption services. ZixCorp's easy-to-use e-messaging protection make it easy for you to both receive and read all of our encrypted communications - whether you are a ZixCorp customer or not.

The privacy of business communication is important to us and we want to ensure your information stays private. To ensure that everyone can read their information securely, we use two different methods to deliver the message to you.

Reading Your Messages

  1. All messages start with email in your regular inbox. The format of this message tells you which method you received.
  2. If you receive a message containing a SecureMessage.html attachment, like the one below, go to ZixDirect for help displaying the message.
  3. If you receive a message containing a link, like the one below, go to ZixPort for help displaying the message.